ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for the Week of August 14 to August 21, 2011
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Posted 2011-08-19:
- Giant space blob glows from within: Primordial cloud of hydrogen is centrally powered
- Powerful X-rays enable development of successful treatment for melanoma and other life-threatening diseases
- Molecular scientists develop color-changing stress sensor
- Quantum optical link sets new time records
- Research team achieves first two-color STED microscopy of living cells
- New images reveal structures of the solar wind as it travels toward and impacts Earth
- Are those liquids explosive?
- Climate change and ozone destruction hastened with nitrous oxide used in agriculture
- DNA construction software saves time, resources and money
- Cashless parking: Windshield microchip to make it easier
- Ions control shape of nanofibers grown on clear substrate
- Disordered networks synchronise faster than small world networks
- Is oil pricing itself out of the market?
- Cosmic eye emerges from exhaustive tests in UK space lab
Posted 2011-08-19:
- Physicists uncover new data on adenine, a crucial building block of life
- Study exposes habit formation in smartphone users
- Honeycomb carbon crystals possibly detected in space
- Embryo development obeys the laws of hydrodynamics
- Football analysis leads to advance in artificial intelligence
- Ensuring reliable wireless alarm beacons for first responders
- New method can speed development of organic semiconductors for flexible displays
- No technical know-how needed: Endless forms web site helps users 'breed' 3-D printable objects
- Moon younger than previously thought, analysis of lunar rock reveals
- Computers will be able to tell social traits from human faces, researchers predict
- Computational method predicts new uses for existing medicines; Match-making program uses gene expression patterns
- Researchers find way to align gold nanorods on a large scale
- Near-infrared imaging system shows promise as future pancreatic cancer diagnostic tool
Posted 2011-08-18:
- Physicists undo the 'coffee ring effect'
- Robotic refueling module, soon to be relocated to permanent space station position
- Can stock markets regulate themselves? History of markets offers insight into effects of regulation on success of initial public offerings
- Reliability issues for carbon nanotubes in future electronics uncovered
- Wind-turbine placement produces tenfold power increase, researchers say
- New tool allows first responders to visualize post-event disaster environments
- Researchers improving GPS accuracy in the third dimension
- Phone losing charge? With photovoltaic polarizers, devices could be powered by sunlight, own backlight
- A new look below the surface of nanomaterials
- Holograms reveal brain's inner workings: Microscopy technique used to observe activity of neurons like never before
- Mimicking biological complexity, in a tiny particle
- Gemini-Scout robot likely to reach trapped miners ahead of rescuers
- Cosmological evolution of dark matter is similar to that of visible matter
- Diamond’s quantum memory
- Moon and Earth may be younger than originally thought
- Scientists find new uses for existing drugs by mining gene-activity data banks
- Man in the moon looking younger
- Future of inks, paints and coatings takes shape: Researchers determine that particle shape affects the 'coffee ring effect'
Posted 2011-08-17:
- Carbon nanotube structures changed by ‘attack’ from within, researchers discover
- Tiny gold particles boost organic solar cell efficiency: Plasmonic technique helps enhance power conversion by up to 20 percent
- Dramatic simplification paves the way for building a quantum computer
- Researchers unravel the magic of flocks of starlings
- What caused a giant arrow-shaped cloud on Saturn's moon Titan?
- Bending light with better precision
- Hint of elusive Higgs boson: An update from the Large Hadron Collider
- Single, key gene discovery could streamline production of biofuels
- Novel microscopy generates new view of fuel cells
- Strain and spin may enable ultra-low-energy computing
- Measurements reveal extent of leakage from Japan's damaged Fukushima reactor
- New device exposes explosive vapors
- Pathogen research inspires robotics design for medicine and military
Posted 2011-08-16:
- Astronomy: A spectacular spiral in Leo
- Disorder is key to nanotube mystery
- Scientists find easier, cheaper way to make a sought-after chemical modification to pharmaceuticals
- Staying in shape: How the Internet architecture got its hourglass shape and what that means for future Internet architectures
- First data from Daya Bay: Closing in on a neutrino mystery
- Acoustic cloaking device echoes advances in optical cloaking
- A cosmic inkblot test: Spitzer captures view of Dumbbell Nebula
- New nanostructured glass for imaging and recording
- Forecasting and preventing pipe fractures
- Effortless sailing with fluid flow cloak
- Avatar-based Virtual Co-driver System replaces vehicle owner's manuals
- TV time: Why children watch multi-screens
- An octave spanning chip-based optical ruler: Scientists develop octave-spanning frequency comb with a microresonator
- New neutrino detection experiment in China up and running
Posted 2011-08-15:
- Hubble offers dazzling Necklace Nebula
- Catalyst that makes hydrogen gas breaks speed record
- Schoolchildren can also learn complex subject matters on their own, researchers find
- Searching for spin liquids: Much-sought exotic quantum state of matter can exist
- Virtual rats to help researchers study disease
Posted 2011-08-14:
Posted 2011-08-13:
- NASA's asteroid photographer beams back science data
- New anti-censorship scheme could make it impossible to block individual Web sites
- Darkest known exoplanet: Alien world is blacker than coal
- Bilayer graphene: Another step towards graphene electronics
- Engineers redefine how the brain plans movement
- Tracking illegal online pharmacies: Evidence of web manipulation
- Smart skin: Electronics that stick and stretch like a temporary tattoo
- Researchers fight cholera with computer forecasting
- GRAIL twin lunar probes launch less than one month away
Posted 2011-08-12:
- Steering a beam of 'virtual particles' to manipulate ultra-small-scale particles in real time
- Software predicted risk in California West Nile virus epidemic
- Shooting light a curve: New tool may yield smaller, faster optoelectronics
- Wikipedia gender biases revealed
- Supernovae parents found: Clear signatures of gas outflows from stellar ancestors
- High levels of potentially toxic flame retardants in California pregnant women
- Escaping gravity's clutches: Information could escape from black holes after all, study suggests
- Paper money worldwide contains bisphenol A
- Quantum computers? Physicists 'entangle' two atoms using microwaves for the first time
- Working towards replacing platinum in fuel cells: Performance of iron-based catalysts improved
- Stick-on tattoos go electric: Micro-electronics, elegant design and existing tattoo tech combine to create complex device
Posted 2011-08-11:
- Rehab robots lend stroke patients a hand
- Telephone trumps social media when communicating with teens about research
- NASA Mars rover arrives at new site on Martian surface
- Exotic quantum crystal exists: Researchers discover novel state of crystal matter
- High energy output found from algae-based fuel, but 'no silver bullet'
- Revolutionary material dramatically increases explosive force of weapons
- Tactile technology for video games guaranteed to send shivers down your spine
- Light speed hurdle to invisibility cloak overcome by undergraduate
- Hybrid solar system makes rooftop hydrogen
- 'Data motion metric' needed for supercomputer rankings, experts say
Posted 2011-08-10:
- Solar flares: What does it take to be X-class? Sun emits an X-Class flare on August 9, 2011
- New way to manage energy in the smart grid
- Scientists pioneer new method for nanoribbon production
- When atoms are surfing on optical waves
- DNA building blocks can be made in space, NASA evidence suggests
- Research outlines math framework that could help convert 'junk' energy into useful power
- Body-mounted cameras turn motion capture inside out
- Like superman's X-Ray vision, new microscope reveals nanoscale details
- Technique to stimulate heart cells may lead to light-controlled pacemakers
- NASA Mars rover Opportunity approaches long-term goal
- Modified metals change color in the presence of particular gases
- Biology, materials science get a boost from robust imaging tool: Collaborators give a new view of macromolecular systems
- Cosmic superbubble carved by stellar winds from bright young stars and supernova shockwaves
- Putting it all together on Saturn's moon Titan
- Live from the scene -- biochemistry in action: New microscope follows single molecules by the millisecond
- Improved electrical conductivity in polymeric composites
- Most Canadians can be uniquely identified from their date of birth and postal code; New research unveils privacy risks
- Scientists develop new technique to protect photographers from persecution
Posted 2011-08-09:
- Light unlocks fragrance in laboratory
- Tracking crime in real time
- Researchers use neutrons to spy on the elusive hydronium ion: Unprecedented proof of ion's role in enzymatic process
- You can count on this: Math ability is inborn, new research suggests
- Discovery points way to graphene circuits: Materials scientists find new way to control electronic properties of graphene 'alloys'
- Flowing structures in soft crystals
- Increase in tornado, hurricane damage brings call for more stringent building standards
- New conducting properties discovered in bacteria-produced wires
- Nanoscale secret to stronger alloys: Scientists find nanoparticle size is readily controlled to make stronger aluminum alloys
- Stress protection: How blue-green algae hoard energy
- What do Facebook and Rembrandt have in common? Everything
- Solar energy: Smart energy management systems help store power for later use
- Human influence on the 21st century climate: One possible future for the atmosphere
- Dealing with the cyberworld's dark side
- Meteorites: Tool kits for creating life on Earth
- CERN supports European Year of Volunteering through Citizen Cyberscience Centre
Posted 2011-08-08:
- Four unusual views of the Andromeda Galaxy
- Electrons and lattice vibrations: A strong team in the nano world
- Social networking's good and bad impacts on kids
Posted 2011-08-07:
- Spotting weaknesses in solid wood
- NASA's Juno spacecraft launches to Jupiter
- Mars' northern polar regions in transition
- Better desalination technology key to solving world's water shortage
- Wireless network in hospital monitors vital signs, even as patients move about
- How to eliminate motion sickness on tilting trains
- Researchers uncover new catalysis site
- Web search is ready for a shakeup, says computer scientist
- It’s official: Computerized trading agents do beat humans in foreign exchange markets
- Engineers solve longstanding problem in photonic chip technology: Findings help pave way for next generation of computer chips
- Designing diamond circuits for extreme environments
- Theft protection developed for virtual machines
Posted 2011-08-05:
- Soft spheres settle in somewhat surprising structure
- Physicists show that quantum ignorance is hard to expose
- One box of Girl Scout Cookies worth billion: Lab shows troop how any carbon source can become valuable graphene
- First opal-like crystals discovered in meteorite
- Making runways safer
- Scientists invent heat-regulating building material
- Water flowing on Mars, NASA spacecraft data suggest
- Accident protection device for small cars
- DNA strands that select nanotubes are first step to a practical 'quantum wire'
- Gold nanoparticles used to diagnose flu in minutes
- 'Watermark ink' device identifies unknown liquids instantly
- Mindful eating: Researchers are making every bite count
- Ninety-six star clusters discovered hidden behind dust of Milky Way
- Evolutionary computation offers flexibility, insight
- New high-speed 3-D imaging system holds potential for improved cancer screening
- Italian academia: A family business? Statistical analysis points to high frequency of last names in disciplines, institutions
- New paper examines future of seawater desalinization
- Breakthrough in photonic chip research paves way for ultrafast information sharing
- Briny water may be at work in seasonal flows on Mars
- Protection against falling rock
Posted 2011-08-04:
- Scientists find way to identify synthetic biofuels in atmosphere
- Novel coatings show great promise as flame retardants in polyurethane foam
- Getting to the heart of the appeal of video games
- 'Big splat' may explain the moon's mountainous far side
- Simulated atmosphere research to help NASA interpret data from Juno mission to Jupiter
- Is our universe inside a bubble? First observational test of the 'multiverse'
- Ethanol-loving bacteria accelerate cracking of pipeline steels
- Lattice of magnetic vortices: Researchers find magnetic skyrmions in atomically thin metal film
- Researchers develop webcam tool to improve office worker posture
- Researchers propose Internet consumer 'nutrition label'
- Juno to show Jupiter's magnetic field in high-def
- Engineers develop one-way transmission system for sound waves
- Special software helps researchers identify individual animals when studying behavior in the wild
- A simple slice of energy storage
- RIBA-II: The next generation care-giving robot
- Nanotechology's impact on mass spectrometry
- Researchers create a successful scheduling method for umpires in Major League Baseball
- New computer hardware prototyping board designed in Crete successfully tested
Posted 2011-08-03:
- The origin of comet material formed at high temperatures
- A bit of boron, a pinch of palladium: One-stop shop for the Suzuki reaction
- Avoiding Nemesis: Does impact rate for asteroids and comets vary periodically with time?
- Solar cells get a boost from bouncing light
- Digital photos can animate a face so it ages and moves before your eyes
- Dream screens from graphene: Indium-free transparent, flexible electrodes developed
- Engineers fly world's first 'printed' aircraft
- Exposure to magnetic fields in pregnancy increases asthma risk, study suggests
- Mission to Jupiter: Gas giant may hold keys to understanding solar system formation, evolution
- Computers: The art of magnetic writing
- Bionic microrobot mimics the 'water strider' and walks on water
- Restoring blood flow after a heart attack: Nanostructure promotes growth of new blood vessels, mimics natural protein
- New sensor promises rapid detection of dangerous heavy metal levels in humans
- A new catalyst for ethanol made from biomass: Potential renewable path to fuel additives, rubber and solvents
- Artificial nanoparticles influence heart rate and rhythm, study finds
- Sugar doesn't melt -- it decomposes, scientists demonstrate
- IT solution to improve hospital workflow and schedules
Posted 2011-08-02:
- In the battle to relieve back aches, researchers create bioengineered spinal disc implants
- NASA's Dawn spacecraft begins science orbits of Vesta
- Nobel Prize winner’s unfinished symphony
- Oxygen molecules found in nearby star-forming cloud
- New composite material may restore damaged soft tissue
- Greenhouse gas impact of hydroelectric reservoirs downgraded
- Cold electrons to aid better design of drugs and materials
- Helping children learn to understand numbers: It's all in the way we speak to them
- Manipulating light at will: Research could help replace electronic components with optical technology
- In the pursuit of dangerous clumps: Customized surfaces help reveal the causes of diseases
- 'Wonder material' graphene tapped for electronic memory devices
- Chemists transform acids into bases: Research offers vast family of new catalysts for use in drug discovery, biotechnology
- Scientists build battery in a nanowire: Hybrid energy storage device is as small as it can possibly get
- Engineering innovative hand-held lab-on-a-chip could streamline blood testing worldwide
- Elliptical galaxies are not dead
- Electronic tongue identifies cava wines
- Possible association between maternal exposure to magnetic fields and development of asthma in children
- Debating the safety of cell phone use
- NASA's Dawn spacecraft views dark side of Vesta
- Herschel telescope detects oxygen molecules in space
- Discovery of Alfvén waves in the corona of the Sun
Posted 2011-08-01:
- Sun-free photovoltaics: Materials engineered to give off precisely tuned wavelengths of light when heated
- Discovery of a new magnetic order
Posted 2011-07-31:
- Warmed-up organic memory transistor has larger memory capacity
- Motorcycle helmets hard on hearing
- Averting bridge disasters: New technology could save hundreds of lives
- Powerful fluorescence tool lights the way to new insights into RNA of living cells
- Study of golf swings pinpoints biomechanical differences between pros and amateurs
Posted 2011-07-30:
- 'Brain cap' technology turns thought into motion; Mind-machine interface could lead to new life-changing technologies for millions of people
- Scary driving? Put the brakes on using your brain power
- Chandra X-ray Observatory images gas flowing toward black hole
- SOHO watches a comet fading away
- Emulating nature for better engineering
- Common Korean surname tells tale of nationhood
Posted 2011-07-29:
- Unexpected clue to thermopower efficiency: Uneven temperature can lead to electronic whirlpools and sideways magnetic fields
- Fundamental matter-antimatter symmetry confirmed
- Protecting networks is just a game
- New invisibility cloak hides objects from human view
- Research reveals why hedge funds are an unlikely large source of systemic risk
- Artificial cilia open new nanotech possibilties; One step closer to learning how cilia movement is coordinated
- NASA's WISE finds Earth's first 'trojan' asteroid
- Pigment discovery expanding into new colors
- Social media poised to drive disaster preparedness and response
- Wave power can drive sun's intense heat
- Children and adolescent cell phone users at no greater risk of brain cancer than non-users, study suggests
- Graphene nanocomposite a bridge to better batteries
- New X-ray camera will reveal big secrets about how chemistry works
- Speed cameras in urban areas save millions in cash, analysis finds
- Computer-aided detection does not improve mammogram accuracy, study suggests
- Closer look at cells: Fluorescence microscopy lets scientists observe exchanges across cell membranes
- Experts complacent about network attacks: Study shows physical attacks to communications network infrastructure deemed low priority risk
- CERN experiment weighs antimatter with unprecedented accuracy
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