ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for the Week of May 22 to May 29, 2011
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Posted 2011-05-28:
- Better viewing through fluorescent nanotubes when peering into innards of a mouse
- New hope of detecting gravitational waves: Final piece of Einstein's jigsaw puzzle
- Chameleon magnets: Ability to switch magnets 'on' or 'off' could revolutionize computing
- Students struggling with math may have a neurocognitive disorder called dyscalculia: Disorder affects roughly as many people as dyslexia
- Physicists explain the long, useful lifetime of carbon-14
Posted 2011-05-28:
- Astronomers unveil most complete 3-D map of local universe
- New procedure to make brain surgery safer
- Spitzer sees crystal 'rain' in outer clouds of infant star
- Green and lean: Secreting bacteria eliminate cost barriers for renewable biofuel production
- Rendezvous with an asteroid: NASA to launch new science mission to near-Earth asteroid in 2016
- Improving DNA sequencing: Sponge-like biosensor crams enormous power into tiny space
- Nanoengineers invent new biomaterial that more closely mimics human tissue
- New nanoscale imaging may lead to new treatments for multiple sclerosis
- NASA is making hot 'way cool'
- Nuclear radiation affects sex of babies, study suggests
- Matter-matter entanglement at a distance: Quantum mechanical entanglement of two remote quantum systems
- NASA's Hubble finds rare 'blue straggler' stars in the Milky Way's hub
- Superior sound for telephones, mobile and related devices
Posted 2011-05-27:
- NASA's WISE mission offers a taste of galaxies to come
- Testing material hardness and strength: Butter up the old 'scratch test' to make it tough
- The quantum computer is growing up: Repetitive error correction in a quantum processor
- Scientists detect Earth-equivalent amount of water within the moon
- Children experience wrist and finger pain when using gaming devices and mobile phones over time, study suggests
- 'Guide vests': Robotic navigation aids for the visually impaired
- Feuding helium dwarf stars exposed by eclipse
- Quantum sensor tracked in human cells could aid drug discovery
- Teaching algae to make fuel: New process could lead to production of hydrogen using bioengineered microorganisms
- Intuitions regarding geometry are universal, study suggests
- Biomedical imaging: Ultrasound guide star and time-reversal mirror can focus light deep under the skin
- Carrying humans into deep space: NASA announces key decision for next deep space transportation system
- Violent video games reduce brain response to violence and increase aggressive behavior, study suggests
- Using the hand as a joystick
- Music game for autistic children unveiled
Posted 2011-05-26:
- Electron is surprisingly spherical, say scientists following 10-year study
- Trash to treasure: Turning steel-mill waste into bricks
- Cosmic explosion is new candidate for most distant object in the universe
- Sustainable 'bio-derived' jet fuel industry is achievable
- Using microbes to generate electricity?
- NASA's Spirit Rover completes mission on Mars
- New bandwidth management techniques boost operating efficiency in multi-core chips
- Brilliant but solitary superstar discovered in nearby galaxy
- Improving health assessments with a single cell: Portable microchip for immune monitoring and clinical applications
- Kepler's astounding haul of multiple-planet systems
- Hips take walking in stride, ankles put best foot forward in run
- Simple method of dealing with harmful radioactive iodine discovered
- Seeing an atomic thickness
- Once thought a rival phase, antiferromagnetism coexists with superconductivity
- Expanded Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope flexing new scientific muscle
- A new system increases network communication security and anonymity
Posted 2011-05-25:
- How to learn a star's true age
- Biomedical engineering students fight hypothermia on the battlefield
- Too easy to steal cargo from transport networks: Research points to solutions
- Universe's not-so-missing mass
- Mathematically ranking ranking methods
- Nearby supernova factory ramps up
- New way to analyze a bloody crime scene: Chicken wing sauce and trigonometry brought to bear on CSI enigma
- Common fire retardant harmful to aquatic life
- Violence doesn't add to children's enjoyment of TV shows, movies
- Novel artificial material could facilitate wireless power
- Hubble views the star that changed the universe
- Particle trap paves way for personalized medicine
- Supercapacitors: Cheaper, greener, alternative energy storage
- New device could reduce surgical scarring
- Ants give new evidence for interaction networks
- 'Surrogates' aid design of complex parts and controlling video games
- NASA's two lunar-bound spacecraft, vacuum-packed
- Poorer reading skills following changed computer habits of children
- California's energy future: Aggressive efficiency and electrification needed to cut emissions
Posted 2011-05-24:
- World record in ultra-rapid data transmission
- Used football faceshields are susceptible to breaking on impact
- High performance electric motorcycle developed
- Just four percent of galaxies have neighbors like the Milky Way
- Portable hydrogen reactor for fuel cells
- Genomics and social network analysis team up to solve disease outbreaks
- Black holes spin faster and faster
- Species reemergence after collapse: Possible but different, mathematical model shows
- To bluff, or not to bluff? Modern-day game theory techniques sheds light on legendary military bluffs
- New green technology for hydrogen production
- Scientists present Large Hadron Collider findings at Quark Matter 2011 Conference
Posted 2011-05-23:
- Engineers scale up process that could improve economics of ethanol production
- Video game effects on kids: Not all black and white, expert argues
- New method of unreeling cocoons could extend silk industry beyond Asia
Posted 2011-05-22:
- Wii key to helping kids balance
- First macro-scale thin-film solid-oxide fuel cell: Strong, nanostructured membrane enables scaling for clean-energy applications
- Pharmacies' software systems miss potentially dangerous interactions, study finds
- Artificial tissue promotes skin growth in wounds
- Smooth single-molecule layers of materials: Expanding the degrees of surface freezing
Posted 2011-05-21:
- Radio telescopes capture best-ever snapshot of black hole jets
- Buying 'legal highs' from the Internet is risky business
- Researchers create nanopatch for the heart
- Laser modules in matchbox size
- Record efficiency of 18.7 percent for flexible solar cells on plastics, Swiss researchers report
- Wireless sensor network monitors microclimate in the forest
Posted 2011-05-20:
- It's not easy being green: Scientists grow understanding of how photosynthesis is regulated
- Looking deep into a huge storm on Saturn
- Neutrons provide first sub-nanoscale snapshots of Huntington's disease protein
- Microscope: Handy, quick and flat
- Antibody production gets confused during long-term spaceflight
- Cell phone use may reduce male fertility, Austrian-Canadian study suggests
- Ensuring the safety of radiation therapy
- Liquid crystal droplets discovered to be exquisitely sensitive to an important bacterial lipid
- Dark energy is driving universe apart: NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer finds dark energy repulsive
- 'Critical baby step' taken for spying life on a molecular scale
- Virtual workout partners spur better results, study finds
- New technique sheds light on the mysterious process of cell division
- Carbon black nanoparticles can cause cell death, inflammation in lungs, researchers find
- Autonomous robot for underwater intervention tasks successfully tested
- Rainbows without pigments offer new defense against fraud
- What electric car convenience is worth
- Potentially toxic flame retardants detected in baby products
- Video game playing increases food intake in teens, study confirms
- Nuclear magnetic resonance with no magnets
- Hospitals misleading patients about benefits of robotic surgery, study suggests
- Why have Murillo’s skies turned grey? Researchers find key to pigment fading
Posted 2011-05-19:
- Imaging technology reveals intricate details of 49-million-year-old spider
- Do microbes swim faster or slower in elastic fluids? Research answers long-standing question
- Free-floating planets may be more common than stars
- Invisibility cloak: Scientists achieve optical invisibility in visible light range of spectrum
- Odds are against ESP: New statistical approach doesn't support claims that extra-sensory perception exists
- Splitting water for renewable energy simpler than first thought? Manganese-based catalyst shows promise
- Diminutive 3-D printers to enable home manufacturing of custom objects
- Scientists track environmental influences on giant kelp with help from satellite data
- Sharpening the nanofocus
- Hardware encryption developed for new computer memory technology
- Diamond aerogel: New form of diamond is lighter than ever
- Radiation protection expert criticises comparison of Fukushima to Chernobyl
Posted 2011-05-18:
- Autonomous robots made to explore and map buildings
- Physicist accelerates simulations of thin film growth
- Reality of 'supersolid' in helium-4 challenged
- Which technologies get better faster?
- New imaging technology 'sees' camouflaged marine animals in the eyes of their predators
- New solar product captures up to 95 percent of light energy
- Looking inside nanomaterials in 3-D
- Digital imaging software to create a 'Google Earth' view of the bladder
- Child-size mannequin: Hands-on training spares real patients
- Third of tested plastic products found to leach toxic substances in Swedish study
- New semantic model improves mobile telephone user experience
Posted 2011-05-17:
- When is it worth remanufacturing? Sometimes it saves energy, sometimes it doesn’t — and sometimes it makes things worse
- New SETI survey focuses on Kepler's top Earth-like planets
- Using war games to treat post-traumatic stress disorder
- Energy harvesters transform waste into electricity
- First habitable exoplanet? Climate simulation reveals new candidate that could support Earth-like life
- Successful first test drive of 'sighted' wheelchair
- Next generation gamers: Computer games aid recovery from stroke
- 'Computer synapse' analyzed at the nanoscale
- The atom and its quantum mirror image: Physicists experimentally produces quantum-superpositions, simply using a mirror
- Scientists looking to burst the superconductivity bubble
- New properties of supercooled confined water discovered
- Evolutionary adaptations can be reversed, but rarely
- Lasers take the lead in auto manufacturing
- Computer program aids patients in end-of-life planning
- Telemonitoring may not offer improved outcomes for critically ill patients
Posted 2011-05-16:
- Toward faster transistors: Physicists discover physical phenomenon that could boost computers' clock speed
- Sound safety: Novel device with rock 'n' roll roots may protect listeners from potential dangers of personal listening devices and hearing aids
- Controling robotic arms is child's play
- Moon's rough 'wrinkles' reveal clues to its past
- Crowdsourcing science: Researcher uses Facebook to identify thousands of fish
- Electronic cigarettes hold promise as aid to quitting, study finds
- Dusting for fingerprints -- It ain't CSI
Posted 2011-05-15:
- New algorithm offers ability to influence systems such as living cells or social networks
- New calculations on blackbody energy set the stage for clocks with unprecedented accuracy
- Scientists design new anti-flu virus proteins using computational methods
- Increase in Internet access parallels growth in prescription drug abuse
Posted 2011-05-14:
- Assessing the risks of wireless and mobile phone radiation more accurately
- Nuclear desalination: Fresh water from waste heat of power plants
- Sensors that can stretch
- Strong, tough and now cheap: New way to process metallic glass developed
- Dwarf planet Haumea shines with crystalline ice
- Exposing ZnO nanorods to visible light removes microbes, researchers in Thailand show
- Mixing fluids efficiently in confined spaces: Let the fingers do the working
- Diagnosing 'seizures' in the US economy
- Super energy storage: Activated graphene makes superior supercapacitors for energy storage
- Galaxy NGC 4214: A star formation laboratory
- Take control of a wheelchair with a steady jaw and a wink
- New method for engineering human tissue regeneration
- Free-standing single-walled carbon nanotube thin films
Posted 2011-05-13:
- Improving photosynthesis? Solar cells beat plants at harvesting sun's energy, for now
- NASA's Galileo reveals magma 'ocean' beneath surface of Jupiter's moon
- Drive test: Super-stable laser shines in minivan experiment
- How higher gas prices affect consumer behavior
- How 'hot Jupiters' got so close to their stars: Extrasolar planet research sheds light on our solar system
- Silver cycle: New evidence for natural synthesis of silver nanoparticles
- New technology fuses MRI, ultrasound to achieve targeted biopsy of prostate cancer
- Secret behind new gas detector? Chirp before sniffing
- Trust a large factor in the emotional process of family business succession
- Novel method of producing hydrogen fuel from sunlight meet cost targets
Posted 2011-05-12:
- It's not easy flying green: Large variability in greenhouse gas emissions from alternative fuels
- Surge in obesity correlates with increased automobile usage, study finds
- NASA's Fermi spots 'superflares' in the Crab Nebula
- Build safety into the very beginning of the computer system
- NASA's Dawn spacecraft captures first image of nearing asteroid
- Lessening the dangers of radiation: Ultrasound as effective as CT scans for most diagnoses, research finds
- Doppler effect found even at molecular level -- 169 years after its discovery
- Harnessing the energy of the Sun: New technique improves artificial photosynthesis
- Proton dripping tests a fundamental force in nature
- Gaming, simulation tools merged to create models for border security
- Portuguese software enables automatic analysis of mammograms
- Carbon, carbon everywhere, but not from the Big Bang
- Maryland, US poll: Traditional media and internet more trusted than social media for research news
- Watching how cancer patients interact online could help clinicians provide better services
Posted 2011-05-11:
- Scientists achieve guiding of electrons by purely electric fields
- Razing Seattle's viaduct doesn’t guarantee nightmare commutes, model says
- Virtual possessions have powerful hold on teenagers, researchers say
- Bats lend an ear to sonar engineering
- Pairing quantum dots with fullerenes for nanoscale photovoltaics
- Fundamental question on how life started solved: Supercomputer calculates carbon nucleus
- Original versus copy: Researchers develop forgery-proof prototypes for product authentication
- Robotics: A tiltable head could improve the ability of undulating robots to navigate disaster debris
- New sensor can detect tiny traces of explosives
- Teenage alcohol consumption associated with computer use
- New insect repellant may be thousands of times stronger than DEET
- A simple, mildly invasive solution for conserving historic buildings
- Methane levels 17 times higher in water wells near hydrofracking sites, study finds
- Airborne pollutants: New view of how water and sulfur dioxide mix
- Hydrogen opens the road to graphene ... and graphane
- Electromechanics also operates at the nanoscale
- More effective and less risky when you paint the hull of your boat
- Shared rules of disclosure are rarely discussed in social media
Posted 2011-05-10:
- Astronomers find newly discovered asteroid is Earth's companion
- Direct removal of carbon dioxide from air likely not viable, report suggests
- Caught in the act: Herschel detects gigantic storms sweeping entire galaxies clean
- High temperature milestone achieved in silicon spintronics
- Battery-less chemical detector developed
- Measurement of 'hot' electrons could have solar energy payoff; Nanoantennas hold promise for infrared photovoltaics
- Antibody-based biosensor can guide environmental clean-ups, provide early warning system for spills
- Electronic life on the edge: Scientists discover the edge states of graphene nanoribbons
- Toward optical computing in handheld electronics: Graphene optical modulators could lead to ultrafast communications
- A renewable twist on fossil fuels
- Ethics of biofuels: Framework outlined
Posted 2011-05-09:
- 'Swiss cheese' design enables thin film silicon solar cells with potential for higher efficiencies
- New online mechanism for electric vehicle charging
- Pentagonal tiles pave the way towards organic electronics
Posted 2011-05-08:
- Engineers patch a heart: Tissue-engineering platform enables heart tissue to repair itself
- Computers sing to a better tune
- New mineral discovered: One of earliest minerals formed in solar system
Posted 2011-05-07:
- Advanced instrument analyzes immune cells in far more detail: Technology promises more effective prescription drug therapies
- Comet Elenin: Preview of a coming attraction
- Mars Express sees deep fractures on Mars
- Quantum simulation with light: Frustrations between photon pairs
- Scientists afflict computers with 'schizophrenia' to better understand the human brain
- EEG headset with flying harness lets users 'fly' by controlling their thoughts
- Forecast calls for nanoflowers to help return eyesight: Physicist leads effort to design fractal devices to put in eyes
- NASA selects investigations for future key missions
- Mars tribute marks memories of Shepard's flight
- Unique Norwegian nano-product: Processor chips with a global market
Posted 2011-05-06:
- New way to control conductivity: Reversible control of electrical and thermal properties could find uses in storage systems
- Using solar power to sterilize medical instruments
- Robot engages novice computer scientists
- Sharpened focus: Improving the numbers, utility of medical imaging
- Spitzer detects shadow of 'super-Earth' in front of nearby star
- Better glasses-free 3-D: Mew approach to make 3-D illusions more realistic
- NASA's Gravity Probe B confirms two Einstein space-time theories
- World's smallest atomic clock: Tiny laser reduces power consumption 1,000-fold
- Transistors reinvented using new 3-D structure
- Hitting target in cancer fight now easier with new nanoparticle platform, scientists say
- Removable 'cloak' for nanoparticles helps them target tumors
- Spacecraft Earth to perform asteroid 'flyby' this fall
- Evolutionary lessons for wind farm efficiency
- Attention, please: How innovations and Nobel Prize winners make it
- In therapy with avatars: Virtual technology to combat phobias, psychotic disorders
- Ranking research: Using social bookmarking tools to extract relevance
- Estimated costs of environmental disease in children at .6 billion per year
Posted 2011-05-05:
- Supernova and star birth in the Meathook Galaxy
- Economic analysis updated for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
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