ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for the Week of May 22 to May 29, 2011
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Posted 2011-05-28:
- Significant role played by oceans in ancient global cooling
- Cystic fibrosis-associated bacteria could help fight back against antibiotic resistance
- Better viewing through fluorescent nanotubes when peering into innards of a mouse
- New drug treatment extends lives of men with prostate cancer
- New hope of detecting gravitational waves: Final piece of Einstein's jigsaw puzzle
- More money, better health?
- Chameleon magnets: Ability to switch magnets 'on' or 'off' could revolutionize computing
- New treatment dissolves blood clots in brain tissue
- Climate change and marine mammals: Winners and losers
- Patients with rheumatoid arthritis receive less protection from pandemic influenza with H1N1 vaccine, study shows
- Human impacts of rising oceans will extend well beyond coasts
- Not all citizens' votes created equal, and study says it shows in funding
- Students struggling with math may have a neurocognitive disorder called dyscalculia: Disorder affects roughly as many people as dyslexia
- Simple sugar, lactate, is like 'candy for cancer cells': Cancer cells accelerate aging and inflammation in the body to drive tumor growth
- Physicists explain the long, useful lifetime of carbon-14
- Siginificant benefits of yoga in people with rheumatoid arthritis, study shows
- What fish is on your plate? How new technologies can tackle fishing fraud
- Elderly drivers support competency tests, study shows
Posted 2011-05-28:
- Astronomers unveil most complete 3-D map of local universe
- Super-sticky 'ultra-bad' cholesterol revealed in people at high risk of heart disease
- Bleach in the Icelandic Volcanic Cloud
- Key molecule for stem cell pluripotency discovered
- New procedure to make brain surgery safer
- Does our personality affect our level of attractiveness?
- Spitzer sees crystal 'rain' in outer clouds of infant star
- Scientists turn human skin cells directly into neurons, skipping IPS stage
- Green and lean: Secreting bacteria eliminate cost barriers for renewable biofuel production
- Study confirms link between rheumatoid arthritis and COPD
- Rendezvous with an asteroid: NASA to launch new science mission to near-Earth asteroid in 2016
- Fish oil may have positive effects on mood, alcohol craving, new study shows
- Drug may help overwrite bad memories
- Naturally occurring plant alkaloids could slow down Alzheimer's disease, study suggests
- Secret lives of feral and free-roaming house cats tracked
- Genetic basis for key parasite function in malaria
- Improving DNA sequencing: Sponge-like biosensor crams enormous power into tiny space
- Stress may increase risk for Alzheimer's disease
- Nanoengineers invent new biomaterial that more closely mimics human tissue
- Innate immune system proteins attack bacteria by triggering bacterial suicide mechanisms
- New nanoscale imaging may lead to new treatments for multiple sclerosis
- Extensive protein interaction network controls gene regulation
- NASA is making hot 'way cool'
- Brain's response to sadness can predict relapses into depression, study shows
- Nuclear radiation affects sex of babies, study suggests
- Chronic estrogen exposure linked to high blood pressure
- 'Policing' stops cheaters from dominating groups of cooperative bacteria
- Researchers evaluate red wine compound for treating concussions in pro boxers
- Matter-matter entanglement at a distance: Quantum mechanical entanglement of two remote quantum systems
- Children who sleep less are more likely to be overweight, study finds
- NASA's Hubble finds rare 'blue straggler' stars in the Milky Way's hub
- Omega-3 may cut risk of artery disease, heart attacks for patients with stents
- Structure formed by strep protein can trigger toxic shock
- Gestational diabetes can be predicted seven years before pregnancy with blood sugar and body weight, study suggests
- Superior sound for telephones, mobile and related devices
- Inability to cry in patients with Sjogren's syndrome affect emotional and mental well-being
- Autism changes molecular structure of the brain: Discovery points to a common cause for multifaceted disease
- Aging, obsolete cells prime the lungs for pneumonia
- Orphan chimpanzees successfully released into the wild using advanced GPS technology
- Kidney transplants are faring better than previously reported, long-term study shows
- Medicines from plants
- World-wide assessment determines differences in cultures
Posted 2011-05-27:
- High risk of Parkinson's disease for people exposed to pesticides near workplace: Pesticide ziram implicated as possible cause for disease
- Master gene may shed new light on lysosomal and neurodegenerative disorders
- NASA's WISE mission offers a taste of galaxies to come
- Multitasking meds: Scientists discover how drug for leukemia, psoriasis, may tackle vascular disease
- Testing material hardness and strength: Butter up the old 'scratch test' to make it tough
- U.S. health: Cognitive decline incidence higher in southern Stroke Belt
- Fossil of giant ancient sea predator discovered
- Folic acid given to mother rats protects offspring from colon cancer
- The quantum computer is growing up: Repetitive error correction in a quantum processor
- Two gene classes linked to new prion formation
- Estimating landfill gas potential
- Scans show it's not only sight that helps us get our bearings
- Scientists detect Earth-equivalent amount of water within the moon
- Immune system release valve: Scientists reveal a new mechanism for keeping inflammation in check
- 'I can hear a building over there:' Blind echolocation experts use 'visual' part of their brain to process the clicks and echoes
- Antibiotics overused for children with asthma and urinary tract infections, studies suggest
- Fungi reduce need for fertilizer in agriculture
- Children experience wrist and finger pain when using gaming devices and mobile phones over time, study suggests
- Scientists debunk theory on end of 'Snowball Earth' ice age
- Healthy gut flora could prevent obesity, rat study suggests
- 'Guide vests': Robotic navigation aids for the visually impaired
- Diabetics at higher risk of tuberculosis infection, researchers find
- Feuding helium dwarf stars exposed by eclipse
- Monkeys can play Monday morning quarterback, too
- Unique canine tooth from 'Peking man' found in Swedish museum collection
- Polypill halves predicted heart disease and stroke risk, study suggests
- Quantum sensor tracked in human cells could aid drug discovery
- Losing more than 15 percent of body weight significantly boosts vitamin D levels in overweight women
- Teaching algae to make fuel: New process could lead to production of hydrogen using bioengineered microorganisms
- Moderate sleep and less stress may help with weight loss
- Intuitions regarding geometry are universal, study suggests
- Protein drinks after exercise help older people build stronger muscles than those who drink carbohydrate beverages, study suggests
- Northern abalone: Endangered gourmet sea snail could be doomed by increasing ocean acidity
- Long-term use of antibiotic to treat acne not associated with increased bacterial resistance, study finds
- Biomedical imaging: Ultrasound guide star and time-reversal mirror can focus light deep under the skin
- Young adults' beliefs about their health clash with risky behaviors
- Scientists trick the brain into experiencing Barbie-doll size
- Unique nerve-stimulation treatment proves effective against drug-resistant epilepsy, study suggests
- Substance in tangerines fights obesity and protects against heart disease, research suggests
- Babies born earlier in areas near busy road junctions
- Carrying humans into deep space: NASA announces key decision for next deep space transportation system
- Thirty percent of women would trade at least one year of their life to achieve their ideal body weight and shape, UK study finds
- Violent video games reduce brain response to violence and increase aggressive behavior, study suggests
- Pelvic widening continues throughout a person's lifetime
- Orthodontic researchers ask: Where's your retainer?
- 'Sweet wheat' for tastier and more healthful baking
- Personal music selections change when they can be viewed by the public
- Current test-based incentive programs have not consistently raised student achievement in U.S., report finds
- Using the hand as a joystick
- Music therapy relieves fibromyalgia symptoms and improves patients’ quality of life
- HPV vaccine Gardasil does not increase disease activity in SLE patients, study shows
- Effects of celiac disease on bone mineral density are pronounced in lumbar spine than femoral neck
- UK survey shows differences between clinicians treating rheumatology in pregnancy
- Health reform essential to young adults in U.S.: Nearly half can't afford needed health care
- Music game for autistic children unveiled
- Researchers recommend preparticipation cardiac screening for college athletes
Posted 2011-05-26:
- Electron is surprisingly spherical, say scientists following 10-year study
- Large rehabilitation study looks at getting stroke patients back on their feet
- Long-term study of swine flu viruses shows increasing viral diversity
- 2020 vision of vaccines for malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS
- Trash to treasure: Turning steel-mill waste into bricks
- Female drunk-drivers tend to be older, better-educated, and no longer married
- Cosmic explosion is new candidate for most distant object in the universe
- Vitamin D increases speed of sperm cells, researchers discover
- Smallest insect filmed in flight
- Many patients fail to properly take oral chemo, leading to complications
- Sustainable 'bio-derived' jet fuel industry is achievable
- Economic recovery is stronger in states where people are more optimistic
- Using microbes to generate electricity?
- Lecithin component may reduce fatty liver, improve insulin sensitivity
- NASA's Spirit Rover completes mission on Mars
- Nearly one in five young adults has high blood pressure, study shows
- New bandwidth management techniques boost operating efficiency in multi-core chips
- Women who start prenatal vitamins early are less likely to have children with autism, study finds
- Brilliant but solitary superstar discovered in nearby galaxy
- Enzyme prevents fatal heart condition associated with athletes
- Improving health assessments with a single cell: Portable microchip for immune monitoring and clinical applications
- Chlorine and childhood cancer
- NASA's TRMM satellite saw heavy rainfall in supercell that spawned Joplin, Missouri tornado
- Long-distance commuters get divorced more often, Swedish study finds
- Do bacteria play role in weather events? High concentration of bacteria in center of hailstones, researchers report
- New protein linked to Alzheimer's disease
- Kepler's astounding haul of multiple-planet systems
- New-onset atrial fibrillation in initially healthy women may increase risk of premature death
- Bacteria use caffeine as food source
- Why people with schizophrenia may have trouble reading social cues
- Hips take walking in stride, ankles put best foot forward in run
- Simple method of dealing with harmful radioactive iodine discovered
- Dual parasitic infections deadly to marine mammals
- Increasing daily calcium will not reduce the risk of fractures in later life, study suggests
- T. rex leech, Titanic-eating bacterium, batfish that hops and glow-in-the-dark fungi: Scientists list top 10 new species
- Your culture may influence your perception of death
- Birch mouse ancestor discovered in Inner Mongolia is new species of rare 'living fossil'
- Heart failure risk lower in women who often eat baked/broiled fish
- Seeing an atomic thickness
- Low-risk patients screened for heart disease tend to receive more preventive care and testing, but outcomes may not be different
- Once thought a rival phase, antiferromagnetism coexists with superconductivity
- Migration an overlooked health policy issue, experts say
- Unusual earthquake gave Japan tsunami extra punch, say scientists
- Injection therapy for sudden hearing loss disorder may be suitable alternative to oral steroids
- Expanded Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope flexing new scientific muscle
- Healing power of hydrogen peroxide: How injured cells regenerate during wound healing
- A new system increases network communication security and anonymity
- Medical students have substantial exposure to pharmaceutical industry marketing
- Big bucks for MLB megastars mean big team profits, but fewer wins
Posted 2011-05-25:
- How to learn a star's true age
- Certain biomarkers appear to increase risk of death for elderly patients with heart failure symptoms
- Beyond the barn: Keeping dairy cows outside is good for the outdoors
- Biomedical engineering students fight hypothermia on the battlefield
- Too easy to steal cargo from transport networks: Research points to solutions
- Study finds widening gap between distracted driving and legislation
- Population genetics reveals shared ancestries: DNA links modern Europeans, Middle Easterners to Sub-Saharan Africans
- Brisk walking may help men with prostate cancer, study finds
- What makes an image memorable?
- Kids dependent on long-term ventilation require longer, more expensive hospital care, study finds
- Rethinking extinction risk? Criteria for assessing risk of extinction in plants should be reconsidered, experts argue
- Mexico social distancing reduced flu transmission: H1N1 study shows closing schools, other measures effective
- Two Greenland glaciers lose enough ice to fill Lake Erie
- Bipolar disorder and postural control: Mind-body connection suggests new directions for treatment, research
- Universe's not-so-missing mass
- Cockroach allergens in homes associated with prevalence of childhood asthma in some neighborhoods
- Mathematically ranking ranking methods
- Theater-goers, volunteers take heart: Cultural activities are good for your health, Norwegian study finds
- Nearby supernova factory ramps up
- Acetaminophen linked to lower prostate cancer risk in new study
- New way to analyze a bloody crime scene: Chicken wing sauce and trigonometry brought to bear on CSI enigma
- Antibody-guided drug works against acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Common fire retardant harmful to aquatic life
- Violence doesn't add to children's enjoyment of TV shows, movies
- Novel artificial material could facilitate wireless power
- Natural product shows pain-killing properties
- Hubble views the star that changed the universe
- New genetic testing technology for IVF embryos
- Scientists find odd twist in slow 'earthquakes': Tremor running backwards
- Eggs, butter, milk: Memory is not just a shopping list
- Particle trap paves way for personalized medicine
- Study of stem cell diseases advanced by new technique
- Mushroom compound suppresses prostate tumors
- Weight gain between first and second pregnancies increases woman's gestational diabetes risk, study finds
- Supercapacitors: Cheaper, greener, alternative energy storage
- Information overload in drug side effect labeling
- Children learn language in moments of insight, not gradually through repeated exposure, study shows
- Risk of newborn death cut in half when pregancy lasts 39 weeks, new research finds
- New device could reduce surgical scarring
- Apparent genetic link to prostate cancer in African-American men determined
- Mediterranean Sea invaded by hundreds of alien species
- Globalization exposes food supply to unsanitary practices, scientists say
- Ants give new evidence for interaction networks
- Scientists identify most proteins made by parasitic worm
- 'Surrogates' aid design of complex parts and controlling video games
- Quicker detection and treatment of severe sepsis
- NASA's two lunar-bound spacecraft, vacuum-packed
- Poorer reading skills following changed computer habits of children
- New made-in-Canada therapy for bladder cancer shows promising results
- California's energy future: Aggressive efficiency and electrification needed to cut emissions
- 'Genetic predisposition' argument in Canadian courts may diminish influence of other factors
- Sleep deprivation in doctors
- Aboriginal children less likely to receive kidney transplants, Canadian study finds
- Publicly funded universal health insurance system improved Canadian doctors' salaries, medical historian says
- Better scheduling of admissions can reduce crowding at children's hospitals
Posted 2011-05-24:
- World record in ultra-rapid data transmission
- Breast cancer linked to obesity gene, new research suggests
- Spiders suffer from human impact
- Used football faceshields are susceptible to breaking on impact
- High performance electric motorcycle developed
- US home births increase 20 percent from 2004 to 2008
- Just four percent of galaxies have neighbors like the Milky Way
- Genome regions that could influence severity of cystic fibrosis identified
- OCD: Compulsions lead to obsessions, not the other way around
- Shave biopsy is a safe and acceptable method for initial evaluation of melanoma, study suggests
- Portable hydrogen reactor for fuel cells
- More Americans praying about health, study says; No correlation found between prayer for health and lack of health insurance
- Mummies tell history of a 'modern' plague
- Comfort food: Protein from probiotic bacteria may alleviate inflammatory bowel disorders
- Pre-meal dietary supplement can help overcome fat and sugar problems, study suggests
- Genomics and social network analysis team up to solve disease outbreaks
- U.S. honey bee losses at 30% for 2010-2011 winter
- Whites believe they are victims of racism more often than blacks, study suggests
- Black holes spin faster and faster
- Ulcer bacteria may contribute to development of Parkinson's disease
- Scientists explore hidden world of ancient maritime Maya
- Platform developed to monitor hematopoietic stem cells
- Species reemergence after collapse: Possible but different, mathematical model shows
- To bluff, or not to bluff? Modern-day game theory techniques sheds light on legendary military bluffs
- Gulf currents primed bacteria to degrade oil spill
- The dance of the cells: A minuet or a mosh?
- Genetic fine print with big consequences: Multiple stop points in genes are more important than thought
- Mucus: Fighting the war against pollutants
- South America's oldest textiles identified with carbon dating
- How animals sense potentially harmful acids
- Human brain's most ubiquitous cell cultivated in lab dish
- Scientists find new drug target in breast cancer
- Changes in vegetation determine how animals migrate
- Study identifies novel role for a protein that could lead to new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis
- New green technology for hydrogen production
- Younger doctors prescribe more drugs to reduce heart risk but offer less lifestyle advice, study finds
- Movement without muscles: Zoologists on trail of evolution of body contractions
- Scientists observe single gene activity in living cells in detail for first time
- A new program for neural stem cells
- New method to localize the epileptic focus in severe epilepsy
- Livestock also suffer traffic accidents during transport
- 'Death anxiety' prompts people to believe in intelligent design, reject evolution, study suggests
- Oceanic land crab extinction linked to colonization of Hawaii
- A direct path for understanding and treating brittle bones
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